Our 6th Class leavers got quite the send off this week. With Dundalk Walks and Lunchtime League finals complete it only left the boys to take to the stage for a fond farewell. On Wednesday the boys from 6th Class were treated to a last supper of sorts with the money used from their very successful Friary Times sales going towards a Pizza Party!! With fabulous food provided by our neighbours at The Europa the boys tucked into pizzas, chips and goujons, all washed down with some fizzy drinks and dilute.

On Wednesday evening, we then welcomed parents and families of our 6th Class Leavers for a final send off with some words from Mr Farrell, a leavers highlights video and presentation of certificates from 6th class teachers Mrs McCann and Mr O’Connell.

From the whole staff and board of management, we wish the boys all the very best in their transition to secondary school and beyond, we know you will do great!!