September Assembly 2024

Today marked the first day this school year when we had all of our pupils back in the hall for our September assembly. Firstly, our principal Mr Farrell welcomed everyone including our new school chaplain Fr Benedict. Our assembly started off with a prayer service, led by representatives from all classes lighting their class candle.…

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Maths Talk – Show me 36

In our first few weeks back and in line with the new Maths curriculum, the boys have been discusssing the different ways pupils learn and how they can come to get the same answer in many different ways. With this in mind we asked pupils to show us a number (36). Some pupils used concrete…

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Small Yard turns to Playground

Hop, skip and jump! The boys were excited to see our small yard painted with colourful, fun playground games on their return to school.  Our pupils are already enjoying the many benefits of this facility, which also contributes towards our pupil ‘Wellbeing’ school improvement plan goals. Many thanks to the very talented local artist, Carol Wallace,…

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