Zeeko Visit on Safer Internet Day

Today, Tuesday February 7th is World Safer Internet Day!! In conjunction with this, we welcomed Collette from Zeeko to speak to our 4th – 6th Classes about how to be safe online and our responsibilities as internet users. The presentation covered Social identity, cyber-bullying, appropriate content, online deception and digital health. Be sure to discuss…

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Catholic Schools Week Assembly

Today we finished off our Catholic Schools Week with a whole school assembly in the hall. This comprised of a reflection upon our wonderful Catholic schools week and all the activities that took place in each class level. Ms Ronan and Ms Bond’s 4th class then made a presentation on St Brigid ahead of St…

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Catholic Schools week – Seinn

A wonderful morning of song and prayer was held in the Holy Redeemer Church to celebrate Catholic schools week.  Our 5th class boys joined other local schools and parents in participating in an uplifting ceremony – Seinn, Songs of Praise.  Our school band also displayed their extensive musical talents to accompany the singers.  This special…

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Friary World Cup Final – 5th & 6th Class

Over 70 pupils from our 5th and 6th classes participated in the Senior Friary World Cup throughout December at lunchtime. Our 5th and 6th Class Friary World Cup Final kicked off at 12.30pm today in the Friary yard. Like the junior final, this match was a brilliant, end to end contest. The World Cup wildcards,…

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Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

The staff at St Malachy’s BNS would like to wish all our pupils, parents and friends a very Merry Christmas and all the very best for 2023. We will close today, Wednesday December 21st and re-open Thursday, January 5th. We hope you and yours have a wonderful Christmas break. Nollaig Shona daoibh!

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Christmas Hamper Winner

Congratulation to one of our very own, Logan Lambert from 5th Class who was drawn as the winner of our Christmas Hamper for 2022. Well done Logan and a huge thanks to everyone who sold lines in our Christmas draw, your efforts are much appreciated. All line sellers received a prize for their efforts as…

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Christmas Assembly 2022

Last Friday we held our annual Christmas assembly, however today we had another run through of the performances with the welcome addition of parents, friends and families of St Malachy’s BNS. A huge thanks to all those parents, friends and families who came to watch and enjoyed some refreshments. It was a real pleasure to…

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Thomas Clarke RIP

It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Mr. Thomas (Tom) Clarke, Chairperson of our school’s Board of Management.  Tom was a true gentleman, who gave his time and expertise selflessly for the benefit of our entire school community. We fully appreciate his kindness, generosity and dedication.  We extend our deepest sympathies…

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