Friary World Cup Finals

Our World Cup competition was enjoyed so much on the World Cup year that it has now become somewhat of an annual event. The Friary World Cup gives an opportunity for pupils not only to play alongside their class mates but also those in other classes. Our 6th classes constructed World Cups using Pringles cartons…

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Simon Community Food Collection

A huge thank you to everyone who donated to our Christmas Simon Food appeal. We were blown away by the level of food donated and we are very proud of the work carried out by our school to help people less fortunate in our community. A big thanks to our student council who helped to…

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Credit Union Art Competition Winner

Congratulations to our Credit Union Art Competition Dexter from Ms Mullen’s 2nd Class. Dexter’s artwork will feature on the month of February in the new Credit Union calendar which will be displayed around our school in classrooms and the whole of Dundalk surrounding area. Well done Dexter!! Keep up the great work.

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Whole School Cinema Visit

As part of our ‘Miss School = Miss out’ initiative, the boys got a fantastic treat with a trip to the IMC cinema this morning. The boys travelled on foot from the school, excellently behaved, and enjoyed The Inseperables movie. Popcorn was provided by the school and the boys enjoyed a snack and a movie…

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School Band and Choir

Our fantastic school band and choir have performed most recently at our Christmas assembly, those who have heard them will know that they are a very talented bunch. This group has been working hard throughout the year and we look forward to hearing more from them in the New Year. A huge thanks to Mr…

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December Handwriting Winners

Congratulations to our final group of handwriting winners for 2023. These boys have demonstrated hard work and diligence towards the presentation of work in copies across the month and beyond. Each receive a pencil or pen and a certificate for their fantastic work.

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Christmas Art Displays

Our corridors are awash with beautiful Christmas art displays, it is wonderful to see the excitement building at this magical time of year. As you can see, the level of Christmas display really is breathtaking. We will be adding more as the week’s progress so be sure to check back in with us.

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