Rugby Coaching for 5th & 6th Classes

Our rugby coaching kicked off last week, although the rain kept us indoors we enjoyed our first session of the year with Tiernan in the fantastic youth centre. Coaching will continue for the next 4 weeks to coincide with the Rugby World Cup across the water. The boys will learn skills such as passing, moving…

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Handwriting Winners Sept

Congratulations to our handwriting winners for September ’23. These boys received a special certificate and pencil or pen with StMalachy’s BNS printed on it alongside our crest. The handwriting awards both for ‘Best’ and ‘Most improved’ are a very important part of our journey towards cursive handwriting. Unfortunately there can only be 2 winners in…

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Farewell 6th Class

As another remarkable academic year draws to a close, we all took time today to bid our 6th classes a fond farewell. You have been an extraordinary group of students, and we are immensely proud of all that you have accomplished during your time in the Friary. We will miss your vibrant personalities, your laughter,…

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5th Class Dundalk Walk

Our 5th Class went on their Dundalk Walk today, setting off through fields to the infamous ‘Famine Graveyard’. Here we met volunteer Gerry Gilgunn for a history lesson on how the graveyard came about and the location of workhouses in the area. Many thanks Gerry and the team for all their work in upkeeping the…

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2nd & 3rd Dundalk Walk

Our 2nd and 3rd classes went off to Ice House Hill for their Dundalk Walk. They took full advantage of the good weather enjoying one of the best amenities in the vacinity of our school. Our boys weren’t the only happy ones on the day, the ducks certainly enjoyed the visit too as they got…

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6th Class Mountain Walk

Our 6th Class leavers took to Annalough Loop for their sponsored walk yesterday. The bus picked us up at 9.30am and dropped us close to Fitzpatrick’s restaurant, Jenkinstown. From there the boys and teachers began on a steep incline for the start of their mountain walk. The path took us up past a megalithic tomb…

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4th Class Dundalk Walk

On arrival the boys got to meet Martin & John, who both work as inspectors in the station. Martin & John brought the boys on to the train to see the inside the cab- some even got to pull the horn. Station master Anthony gave the boys a guided tour of the station’s museum and…

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4th & 5th Class Tours

Our 4th and 5th Class both set off on their school tours this week on separte days, however they both visited Airtastic in Craigavon. Both tours were thoroughly enjoyed by the boys and teachers alike. Between summersaults into foam blocks, balance beams, pier jumps onto air bags and bowling it was a brilliantly enjoyable trip.…

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