Green Flag Committee 2022-23

Congratulations to our new Green Flag Committee members for 2022-23. Each class has at least one representative who will be working across many facets of the Green Schools. This week the Green Flag committee had their first meeting where they received their badges. The committee members will be working across green codes for litter, energy,…

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Spring Clean 2022

Throughout May and June you may well seen our pupils in high-vis vests cleaning our school yards and surrounding areas. This is our Spring Clean, organised by the fantastic Green Schools Committee, led by the one and only Ms Ronan. Our Green Schools Committee put a huge amount of time into activities all throughout the…

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Spring Clean 2022

Our Green Schools Committee are delighted to announce the recommencement of our Spring Clean for 2022!! Over the next number of weeks you will see our classes out picking up litter, clearing weeds and generally cleaning around the school yard, walkways and our Friary field. A huge thanks to our fantastic Green Schools Committee under…

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Golden Boot

Ms Ronan’s 4th class kicked off this years Golden Boot award by becoming the winning class for September. The boys were absolutely thrilled with themselves, and rightly so! Mr Wynne’s 5th class earned the Golden Boot for the month of October. Although 4th class were sad to see it leave we were all delighted to…

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Bike Week

Last week as part of National Bike Week boys from 2nd -6th classes made a fantastic effort to cycle their bikes to school. Well done to all. It was fantastic to see each and every one of them wearing a helmet too! There were great cycling prizes up for grabs, including helmets, lights and bells.…

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