Spring Clean 2021

While this school year has been very different for everyone, our Green Schools Committee led by Ms Ronan have still been hard at work figuring how to ensure our annual school Spring Clean can take place. As a result, this years Spring Clean is taking place from this week until we finish up at the…

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Innocent Big Grow

Innocent Big Grow is all about getting people growing their own vegetables at home and school. 21,000 children across the UK & Ireland were chosen to take part in the Big Grow Challenge. GIY sent compost, seeds and pots to the growing started. This year the 4th class boys have planted peas, cress and baby carrots.…

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Golden Boot Winners – Week 13

Well done to Mr O’Connell’s 4th/5th Class whom are the winners of the Golden Boot this week. This group are recognised with this award as over 70% of the class chose sustainable methods of transport this week. This includes walking, cycling, car-pooling and Parking ‘n’ Striding. Well done guys. Don’t forget our WOW and COW days.…

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Big Travel Challenge 2020

When: Monday, 3rd  February – Friday 14th February Where: St. Malachy’s BNS Who: Everyone What: Walk Why: Benefits include increased concentration, improved air quality and less traffic. In addition to our WOW days St. Malachy’s BNS will be taking part in ‘The BIG TRAVEL Challenge’ by promoting a sustainable mode of transport for 10 days. We have chosen to promote ‘Walking’. Our aim is…

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Golden Boot Winners – Week 11

Big congratulations to Ms Hennessy’s 2nd Class whom are the winners of the Golden Boot this week. This group are recognised with this award as they have travelled to school using the most sustainable methods of transport this week having walked, cycled, car-pooled and Parked ‘n’ Strided the most. Well done guys. While this group of boys…

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Golden Boot Winners – Week 10

A big congratulations to Mr O’Connell’s 4th/5th Class whom are the winners of the Golden Boot this week. This group are recognised with this award as they have travelled to school using the most sustainable methods of transport this week having walked, cycled, car-pooled and Parked ‘n’ Strided the most. Well done guys. While it has…

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Golden Boot Winners – Week 9

A big congratulations to Ms Ronan’s 4th Class whom are the first winners of the Golden Boot for 2020. This group are recognised with this award as they have travelled to school using the most sustainable methods of transport this week having walked, cycled, car-pooled and Parked ‘n’ Strided the most. Well done guys. While it…

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Golden Boot Winners – Week 8

A big congratulations to Mr O’Connell’s 4th/5th Class whom travelled to school using the most sustainable methods of transport this week. This marks the third week that O’Connell’s class have been awarded the Golden Boot having walked, cycled, car-pooled and Parked ‘n’ Strided the most. Well done guys. This week also marks the end of the Golden Boot award…

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