Green Flag Renewal Visit

The Green Schools Committee had their renewal visit on the 6th March. The boys represented themselves and the school really well. They showed off all the information they have learned during the programme and took our visitors on a tour of the school. They were commended for their behaviour and manners during the visit. Well…

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Water meter readings

6th class have been taking water meter readings every day for a week and comparing these with the readings from last year (Year One of our Water flag). We were thrilled to discover that we were using over 4000 litres less than last year. This is thanks to the combined effort of pupils and staff.…

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Litter Warden

Stephen O Connor from Louth County Council visited the school to talk to the Green Schools committee and 3rd & 4th class about littering and the importance of reporting anyone we see littering in our communities. He highlighted the ongoing problems in the town and talked to the boys about the Tidy Towns initiative.

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Walk for Water

As we are currently working towards our 3rd Green Flag (Water) we organised a ‘Walk for Water’ on World Water Day (22nd March 2017) to help raise awareness and highlight the huge number of people in the world who still don’t have access to clean water in 2017. Today, there are over 663 million people…

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