Lá Glas

Today marks Lá Glas in our journey through Seachtain na Gaeilge, on the way to celebrate St Patrick’s Day!! Our school was full of colour as the boys were wearing green and traditional Irish clothing /Éadaí traidisiúnta to celebrate our National Saint. In the afternoon, our Céilí mór took place with all classes along side…

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Seachtain na Gaeilge 2023

Mar chuid de Sheachtain na Gaeilge i mBunscoil Naomh Maolmhaodhóg na mBuachaillí i mbliana, bhí réimse leathan d’imeachtaí eagraithe againn ag tarlú taobh istigh agus amuigh de na ranganna. I measc na himeachtaí seo bhí cúrsaí ceoil, damhsa céilí, tráth na gceisteanna, imeachtaí ealaíne agus anuas ar sin, bhí seans ag na páistí iad féin…

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Well done to our 6th Class boys who represented the school excellently at the FAI 5-A-SIDE competition held in DKIT Sport last Friday. Both teams were placed in difficult qualification groups and stepped up to the standard very quickly. A big thanks to Michael Neville and all the team for organising the competition in it’s…

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Jersey Day Support for Rúairí

A massive thank you to our school community of pupils, staff, parents and friends who showed their support today for a very special pupil, Rúairí Matthews, and donated so kindly in aid of the Gavin Glynn Foundation. The array of colour in the classrooms, yard and corridors alongside the well wishes for Rúairí really blew…

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Wear a Jersey for Rúairí

This Friday the school will hold a very special ‘Jersey Day’ fundraiser for one of our 3rd class pupils, Rúairí Matthews, who is currently undergoing cancer treatment and is presently receiving specialised care in Manchester Hospital. Rúairí is a fantastic, brave young boy who is sliowing great courage and we hope to see him back…

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Ceremony of Light & Enrolement

Congratulations to our 6th classes who took part in their Ceremony of light and enrolement this evening. This was a very special occassion, celebrated by Fr David in the Friary chapel. The boys sang and responded excellently, alongside their parents and gaurdians whom passed on the light of faith.

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World Book Day 2023

Today we celebrated World Book Day 2023 in the school.  All boys will get a world book day token worth €1.50 – this can be used at the book fair (20th March) on orders over €3.99 if they wish. Check out the fabulous costumes and thanks to all the contributors to the fantastic activities throughout…

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This morning, 12 boys from our 5th class went off to represent the school in a U’12 7-a-side blitz in Dundalk Gaels. In the blitz they played the Gaelscoil and Realt na Mara, coming out on top in both matches. Well done to the boys who now progress to the next stage of the tournament.

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Credit Union Quiz

Well done to our 6th class boys who took part in the Credit Union Quiz this week. The quiz was held in the Fairways with our teams performing and behaving excellently. We are very proud of you all and how well you represented our school. A huge thanks to Ms Halpenny who mentored and prepared…

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Zeeko Visit on Safer Internet Day

Today, Tuesday February 7th is World Safer Internet Day!! In conjunction with this, we welcomed Collette from Zeeko to speak to our 4th – 6th Classes about how to be safe online and our responsibilities as internet users. The presentation covered Social identity, cyber-bullying, appropriate content, online deception and digital health. Be sure to discuss…

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Catholic Schools Week Assembly

Today we finished off our Catholic Schools Week with a whole school assembly in the hall. This comprised of a reflection upon our wonderful Catholic schools week and all the activities that took place in each class level. Ms Ronan and Ms Bond’s 4th class then made a presentation on St Brigid ahead of St…

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Catholic Schools week – Seinn

A wonderful morning of song and prayer was held in the Holy Redeemer Church to celebrate Catholic schools week.  Our 5th class boys joined other local schools and parents in participating in an uplifting ceremony – Seinn, Songs of Praise.  Our school band also displayed their extensive musical talents to accompany the singers.  This special…

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