Practical Online Resources

We have compiled a list of online resources and some fun, practical activities that you may find helpful over the Easter break if you require some: PE: The Body Coach Channel (Joe Wicks) on Youtube has a 5 minute move workout for kids. He will be updating his channel with one workout per day. Here is…

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Dear Parents, after the announcement to extend the school closure until 19th April, we will post further homework activities for next week on the school website in the coming days.  Again we appreciate that everyone is trying their best and acknowledge the priority is washing hands, staying safe and family time.  In the event of further…

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COVID-19 Update & Practical Resources

With the ongoing uncertainty surrounding COVID-19, we appreciate that children and parents are trying their best to complete their homework pack activities provided.  While we encourage you to continue with this, please do not stress or panic if children are unable to complete any of the activities as we are aware that these are difficult…

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Coronavirus COVID-19

Please find attached some communication from the Health Service Executive (HSE) regarding the coronavirus COVID-19. If you suspect anything please visit the HSE website Further information for schools is available at the following link:

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Engineers week 2020

A bi Thank You to Ms Caroline Rocks who visited our 6th class boys to bring STEM to life during Engineer’s Week 2020. The boys were tasked with designing packaging for an egg taking into consideration what would be needed to protect the egg if it were to be stacked or dropped. This was a…

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World Book Day 2020

World Book Day 2020 was once again celebrated in great style this year. Our 6th Class boys got a taste of mentoring and scaffolding as they read to our 2nd class pupils. The library was a world of adventure with stories of mishaps and mischief were shared in the shape of The Gruffalo, The Gruffalo’s…

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Innocent Big Grow

Innocent Big Grow is all about getting people growing their own vegetables at home and school. 21,000 children across the UK & Ireland were chosen to take part in the Big Grow Challenge. GIY sent compost, seeds and pots to the growing started. This year the 4th class boys have planted peas, cress and baby carrots.…

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Golden Boot Winners – Week 13

Well done to Mr O’Connell’s 4th/5th Class whom are the winners of the Golden Boot this week. This group are recognised with this award as over 70% of the class chose sustainable methods of transport this week. This includes walking, cycling, car-pooling and Parking ‘n’ Striding. Well done guys. Don’t forget our WOW and COW days.…

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