As part of the build-up to UEFA EURO 2020, which will see Dublin host four games in the prestigious tournament, historical memorabilia from Irish football history and the UEFA European Championship is making its way to all corners of the country. And thankfully some of our classes were lucky enough to visit the Euro 2020…

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Credit Union Quiz 2020

We were represented in the annual Credit Union Quiz by two 6th class teams, one from Ms Murphy and Ms Rocks class. Well done to both team whom both finished in the Top 10 of all those competing, A big congratulations to our colleagues in the Girls school who won the Quiz. Well done to…

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Safer Internet Day

Today marks Safer Internet Day (SID) 2020. This is an EU wide initiative to promote a safer internet for all users, especially young people. It is promoted in Ireland by the PDST Technology in Education and Webwise. The resources and posters you see in this post can be accessed via Webwise and the PDST. This week…

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Big Travel Challenge 2020

When: Monday, 3rd  February – Friday 14th February Where: St. Malachy’s BNS Who: Everyone What: Walk Why: Benefits include increased concentration, improved air quality and less traffic. In addition to our WOW days St. Malachy’s BNS will be taking part in ‘The BIG TRAVEL Challenge’ by promoting a sustainable mode of transport for 10 days. We have chosen to promote ‘Walking’. Our aim is…

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January 2020 Assembly

The first assembly of 2020 took place today with our commitment classes of 2nd and 6th leading us in song and prayer. Assembly opened with the singing of ‘Circle of Friends’. The gathering was lead by our Principal Mr. Farrell and covered a variety of topics including: the presentation of this week’s Green Schools’ Golden…

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First Holy Communion Enrolment Ceremony

Congratulations to Ms Hennessy and Ms Halpenny’s second classes who took part in their First Holy Communion enrolment ceremony on Sunday. Both classes were excellently prepared and took full part in all aspects of the mass. Fitting too, that the enrolment ceremony took place on Catholics Schools Week which we are celebrating throughout the school…

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Golden Boot Winners – Week 11

Big congratulations to Ms Hennessy’s 2nd Class whom are the winners of the Golden Boot this week. This group are recognised with this award as they have travelled to school using the most sustainable methods of transport this week having walked, cycled, car-pooled and Parked ‘n’ Strided the most. Well done guys. While this group of boys…

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Seinn 2020

As part of our Catholic Schools Week celebration, the 5th class boys from Mr Rogan and Mr O’Connell’s class took part in Seinn 2020 today in the Church of the Holy Redeemer, Dundalk. Seinn is a fantastic celebration that brings together both primary and secondary schools from around Louth to sing uplifting songs and hymns,…

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Golden Boot Winners – Week 10

A big congratulations to Mr O’Connell’s 4th/5th Class whom are the winners of the Golden Boot this week. This group are recognised with this award as they have travelled to school using the most sustainable methods of transport this week having walked, cycled, car-pooled and Parked ‘n’ Strided the most. Well done guys. While it has…

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Golden Boot Winners – Week 9

A big congratulations to Ms Ronan’s 4th Class whom are the first winners of the Golden Boot for 2020. This group are recognised with this award as they have travelled to school using the most sustainable methods of transport this week having walked, cycled, car-pooled and Parked ‘n’ Strided the most. Well done guys. While it…

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