Golden Boot Winners – Week 8

A big congratulations to Mr O’Connell’s 4th/5th Class whom travelled to school using the most sustainable methods of transport this week. This marks the third week that O’Connell’s class have been awarded the Golden Boot having walked, cycled, car-pooled and Parked ‘n’ Strided the most. Well done guys. This week also marks the end of the Golden Boot award…

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Golden Boot Winners – Week 7

A huge congratulations to Mr Rogan’s 5th Class whom travelled to school using the most sustainable methods of transport this week. The vadst majority of Mr Rogan’s class have walked, cycled, car-pooled and Parked ‘n’ Strided this week which is a huge change from last year and made them the clear winner of the Golden Boot. This is…

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Golden Boot Winners – Week 6

A big congratulations to Mr O’Connell’s 4th/5th Class whom travelled to school using the most sustainable methods of transport this week. Almost half of Mr O’Connell’s class have walked, cycled, car-pooled and Parked ‘n’ Strided this week which is a huge change from last year and made them the clear winner of the Golden Boot. Well done…

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Golden Boot Winners – Week 5

A big congratulations to Mr Farrell’s 3rd Class whom travelled to school using the most sustainable methods of transport this week. Even though the weather has taken a considerable change and it turned out to be a very cold week overall, Mr Farrell’s class wrapped up well and have walked, cycled, car-pooled and Parked ‘n’ Strided. Well…

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Golden Boot Winners – Week 4

A big congratulations to Mr O’Connell’s 4th/5th Class who topped the poll as the class who travelled to school using the most sustainable methods of transport this week. Even though the weather has taken a considerable change and it turned out to be a damp week overall, Mr O’Connell’s class have walked, cycled, car-pooled and…

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Halloween Art Competition Winners

A huge Congratulations to our Halloween Art Competition winners for 2019. The judges, made up of the student council members alongside Ms Hughes had an extremely tricky job in adjudicating this competition as the standard was exceptionally high. Well done to all the boys on their excellent entries. Check out the picture of our winners…

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Mr Z’s Science Workshop

It was that time of the year again, our science extraordinaire Mr Z visited for his Science workshop. The boys had a fantastic time building rollercoasters with drops and loops a plenty. Thank you Mr Z for the workshop and thanks to the boys for taking part and building such fantastic pieces. Check out our…

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Bricks for Kids

While Mr Z treated our seniors classes to a science workshop, our second classes enjoyed a fantastic day with Lego Bricks. As you’ll see from the pictures, the boys thoroughly enjoyed building and creating magnificent buildings, vehicles and so much more. Well done boys and thank you to ‘Bricks for Kids’ for visiting. We hope…

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FAI 5-a-side Futsal

Well done to our 4th Class boys who competed in the FAI 5-a-side Futsal competition in DKIT Sport. The boys showed fantastic character throughout each of their three games. The standard was very high and we enjoyed a fantastic day. Well done to all the organisers and other team taking part. We will ,look forward…

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Golden Boot Winners – Week 3

Congratulations to Ms Hennessy’s 2nd Class who topped the poll as the class who travelled to school in the most ‘Green’ way. Even though the weather has taken a considerable change and the frost has set out on occassion Ms Hennessy’s class have walked, cycled, car-pooled and Parked ‘n’ Strided. Well done guys. Who will…

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Maths Week 2019

The boys have really been enjoying Maths Week 2019. It has consisted of Maths trails, frenzies, quizzes and a whole Maths day!! Thanks to our fantastic SET team of Ms Hughes and Ms Shevlin alongside our excellent Student Council members, every class from 2nd right up to 6th got a taste of Maths on so…

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